(accepted for Informatik 2023, taking place at HTW Berlin, on Thursday, September 28th 2023)
The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the digitalization of computer science education in higher education. The use of learning management platforms with integrated assignments, lessons, quizzes, etc. creates new opportunities for educators beyond just providing lecture scripts. The implementation of personalized learning paths takes into consideration the diverse backgrounds and prior experiences of students.
The workshop will bring together both researchers and practioners to discuss personalized and intelligent systems for computer science education in the higher education setting. The focus will be on creating a more efficient and effective learning experience for students through the use of intelligent and adaptive systems for course delivery, intelligent tutoring systems, and personalized learning environments. The goal of the workshop is to provide a platform for researchers and educators to share ideas and research, and collaborate on projects to improve computer science education in higher education.
Call for Papers
Topics of interest comprise, but are not limited to:
- Use of AI in computer science education
- Conversational user interfaces for computer science education
- Tools and methodologies for interactive computer science education
- Personalized learning paths in computer science education
- Intelligent feedback systems in computer science education
- Active and individual learning in virtual settings
All papers will be subject to single-blind peer-review.
Important dates:
Submission Deadline (Full Papers max. 10 pages excl. references, Short Papers max. 4 pages excl. references): 12.06.2023
Notification of Paper Acceptance: 23.06.2023
Camera Ready due: 7.7.2023
Accepted contributions to the PISCE workshop will be published digitally in Informatik 2023 conference proceedings.
Please follow the LNI guidelines and templates for authors. Please note: Submissions that are not submitted according to the format requirements after a correction loop will NOT be published in the conference proceedings.
Submission link (easychair): https://easychair.org/cfp/PISCE23
Preliminary Workshop Program:
9.00 Keynote
9.45 Session 1 (three presentations, 20 min, 10 min discussion)
11.15 – Break –
12.00 Session 2 (three presentations, 20 min, 10 min discussion)
13.30 (end)
Organizing committee
Verena Majuntke (HTW Berlin)
Katharina Simbeck (HTW Berlin)
Program committee
Verena Majuntke (HTW Berlin)
Agathe Merceron (BHT)
Nathalie Rzepka (HTW Berlin)
Katharina Simbeck (HW Berlin)