„Development of Soft and Future Skills using Digital Entrepreneurship“
The book is now published: https://www.theseus.fi/handle/10024/876892
Start IT – Introduction
- The Assessment in Start IT (Aliasghar Khavasi)
- From Participant to Mentor – Perspectives of Active Learning in Practice (Michał Beczkowski)
- Case Study: Entrepreneurship Education for Design Students (Katharina Simbeck, Katrin Dziergwa, Jan Vietze)
- More than an Afterthought: Project-Based CLIL Work as a Tool for Active Language Learning in Content-Based Programmes (Joanna Britton, Stephen Hargreaves, Eva Faes)
- Service Design and Empathy in Active Learning (Johanna Hautamäki, Jari Isohanni)
- Learning to Lead – an Experiential Learning Setting (Jürgen Radel, Roland J. Schuster)
- A Measuring Instrument and a Digital Learning Environment to Support Soft Skill Development (Peter David, Siham Chaoui, Ellen De Bruyne, Sabrina Govaerts, Amber Hoefkens, Elena Van den Broeck, Gert Vanthournout)
- Project Management Using Agile/SCRUM in Start IT (Aliasghar Khavasi)
- Case Study: App Development Hackathon for Non-IT Students (Katrin Dziergwa, Jan Wirsam, Katharina Simbeck)
- How to Start IT (Katrin Dziergwa, Katharina Simbeck, Derek O’Reilly)
- Organization of an LTTA under a KA2 ERAMUS+ Project (João Carlos da Rocha e Cunha Monteiro)
The creation of these resources has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant
program of the European Union under grant no. 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000023215.
Neither the European Commission nor the project’s national funding agency DAAD are
responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of
these resources.